Our Occupational therapist mentioned that DS seems to be liking the structured routine. Most Autistic children do.. So it would probably be better if we incorporate the structured routines in all possible scenarios. :| Now, that is real big challenge. We, me and my hubby both are really not particulars and most of the times we do not have much of routines and rules set in our home. But looks like we need to do that now. May be God gave us "structured routine loving" son so that we finally bring change in ourselves. Ha!
My today's assignment is thinking about building a structured routine. Planning the whole week, taking into consideration all the therapies we need to attend (including commute time), DS's sleep schedule, eating schedule and also activities and playtime schedule. There are some activities that we need to do on daily basis. like, showing the body parts, pointing to the things he needs or loves, pointing to the appropriate flash cards, making him say something.. like aaa, ooo, mmm, bbb, ppp etc. Making him do appropriate actions on the nursery rhymes, making him say "hi" and "bye" , making him wave his hand, making him play peekaboo and hide and seek. drawing pictures, playing with playdoughs, blocks, cars in a right manner, making him do certain activities which requires him to use a little bit more strength. also using the deep pressure techniques, the body massage with the brush, massaging his mouth, tongue. his supplements, his diet, his potty training.... the list is really endless.
I better start planning. I need to have a nice system. I hope DS will take a nap this afternoon and then I can be able to work on these things. :)
Bbye ! have a great day!! :)